Thursday, 25 September 2014


Netball is our game!
The students played the teachers today.
Here are the rm 1 netball players with Mrs T.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Selling A Book

When we went to the library on Monday
Summa sold us a book. 
It's from the Geronimo Stilton series.
Do you like reading books in a series?
What series is your favourite?

Term 3 Spelling Tests

Check out these graphs 
Of our term 3 spelling tests.
10 out of 10!

Monday, 22 September 2014


Gotchas of ever colour. 
Lots have been traded in. 
Different colours mean different rewards.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Privliege Day

Yipee - we made it!
1,000 gotchas earned.
We will have lots of fun next Friday
choosing what to do and sharing a lunch.
Part of our lunch will be purchased with 
the voucher from Pak 'n Save
that we got when we visited them last week.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Room 1 Class Photo

We were all at school today
after lots of us being ill over the
last few weeks.
So here we all are...

Learn/Create/Share/Assess Learning Cycle

Before we started our healthy eating unit 
Room 1 mapped out their learning path.
Here it is.
Arguments have been written and are ready
to be published with "sisomo".

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Healthy Eating with Koka Annette

Here we are with Koka Annette. We worked on the food pyramid, reading labels on food packaging and sugar content in drinks.

Room 1 At Work

Here we are at work this week!

Rippa Rugby

Kasey from Room 1 is one of the team members 
going to Wellington for the national finals. 
Mrs Torrie gets to go too - lucky! 
Good luck to the team. 
Don't they look sharp in their new tracksuits?

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Monday, 1 September 2014

Working in Room 1 Today

Gemma has been our photographer today.
She worked quietly in the background and 
snapped us as we worked.
Some of us were so busy we didn't notice her.

School Library Today

We went to the school Library for our weekly session.
We are all having a turn at "selling a book".
We talk about a book we have read and try to 
convince others to read it.
Gemma was the photographer today.
What do you think of her photos?

Room 1 Kapa Haka photo

Room 1 loved participating in the Turanganui Schools Festival on Tuesday where they performed their Kapa Haka bracket they have been practic...