Thursday, 28 August 2014

Garden Diary

Science Table

Lots to tinker with.
What do you think about it?

Tree Planting Day #2

Room 1 & Room 2 planted more trees today. 
Great work kids! 
Thanks also to Kauri who showed us what to do.

Learning Pathways

Room 1 has a section of their website for learners to follow 
topics and pathways that interest them.
Click here to go to the webpage to choose 
what you want to learn more about.
You can choose from...
Scratch - coding for kids
Scientists and Mathematicians
Hubble Telescope
Virtual Body 
Khan Academy Brain Teasers

Hearty Learning

Rm1 know some facts about the Heart. 
They are reading more about it and 
exploring animations of the heart working online. 
Click here to go to a link to see a virtual heart working...

Garden Diary

Last term Rm 1 planted some bulbs with Mrs Mackie. Look what's popped up. Spring must be coming! 

Monday, 25 August 2014

Garden Diary

Last Monday we planted our gardens.
There has been lots of rain so we haven't 
needed to water them at all.
Today we inspected the gardens and found that something 
is nibbling the leaves.
Is it a snail, or a caterpillar or slugs?
We don't know.
What will we do?

What does our heart do?

Today we brainstormed what we already know about our heart. 
Here is our brainstorm...

Healthy Breakfast Survey

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Calendar Art Finished

Great work today Room 1. 
Calendar art finished and ready for family/whanau to buy!

Calendar Art Day

Today we got creative and completed our Calendar Art. They look really colourful. We hope our parents love them too and will buy a calendar.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Super Students

Friday's Student of the Week: Cullum
Monday's KIND Certificates:
Week 3 - Kortny
Week 4 - Joe-Dee
Mathlete of the Week:  Melea

Researching & Reading

Room 1 at work last week.
They are all ersearching their
own topic of interest about Space.

Room 1 Newsletter 11 August

Click here to read Room 1's newsletter.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Roll of Honour

Check out the roll of honour
for this week's Homelearning.
These thinkers and bloggers are
really taking up the challenge..

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Super Shield Student - Terrin

Congratulations to Terrin who was awarded the 
Senior Syndicate Shield on Friday.
Terrin gets this shield because he is 
the learning kind and the achieving kind. 
He is helpful and kind to others. 
He always know what to do and gets on and does it.
His strength is in his thinking ability. 
He processes information and uses it for the right purposes. 
He is able to discuss everything we do in detail. 
He thinks ahead and is able to plan effectively.
He is a whiz on the computer and is a great tutor in Room 1 by teaching others and sharing his knowledge.
Congratulations on receiving this award!

Room 1 Kapa Haka photo

Room 1 loved participating in the Turanganui Schools Festival on Tuesday where they performed their Kapa Haka bracket they have been practic...